General Information Chooser+ is intended to replace Apple's Chooser. It is fully compatible with the latter, but was designed with Wide Area AppleTalk Networks in mind. It has many features for dealing with large networks, like support for hierarchical network structure, virtual zone, zone name aliasing and zone hiding. Aside from these features, many others exist, such as improved user interface, default zone and driver, password protection and on-line help system. Although this program was tested on a various configurations, it might still contain bugs. If you find any, I will be grateful if you let me know about it. This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Shareware Notice Chooser+ is a shareware. If you use it, please send $15 in CASH to: Eran Reshef P.O.B. 9115 Beer-Sheva 84190 Israel Hierarchical network Structure In order to provide the missing hierarchical network structure, Chooser+ uses the fact that zone names aren't restricted by AppleTalk. Those names can be configured by the network administrator according to a predefined format, and therefore can provide Chooser+ information about the position of each zone in the hierarchy. Thus, of course, providing the hierarchy which AppleTalk lacks. This hierarchy is made up from domains and zones. Domains correspond to folders, and zones correspond to files. Domains can either have other domains or zones inside, just as folders can have other folders or files inside themselves. The format of the AppleTalk zone names tells Chooser+ how to cut each zone name into domains and a zone, thus guiding Chooser+ where to place each AppleTalk zone in the hierarchy. This format is made up from three elements: • Delimiters: These are characters which signal the places to cut the name. That is, whenever Chooser+ encounters them in a name, it starts a new domain or zone. • Artificial Delimiters: As their name implies, they are placed artificially by Chooser+ in each name after a fixed number of characters. Thus, they guide Chooser+ to begin a new domain or zone after a fixed number of characters. • Scanning Direction: Chooser+ can either scan each name from left to right or from right to left. The first option means that left-most domains will be the most significant. The second option means that the right-most domains will be the most significant. Note that when scanning from left to right artificial delimiters are placed from the start of the name, while in the second option they are places from the end of the name. To setup the format, select Configure Zone Name Format... from the Configure menu. A dialog will be displayed. Just fill in the format according to your decision. You will also have to configure the AppleTalk zone names, if they aren't configured yet. VZone, the Virtual Zone VZone is a zone, but not a real one. It is a virtual zone - it's added by Chooser+ to the network structure artificially. It is meant to solve an annoying problem: Most people tend to use the same devices over and over again, but they don't like to spend their time locating these devices over and over again. VZone is the answer to that problem. You simply instruct Chooser+ to include your most frequently devices in VZone using the Add To VZone command. That way, the next time you need a device, you just go straight into VZone and select it. Name Aliasing and Zone Hiding Chooser+ offers the Alias File as a way to suit the internet to the specific needs of each user. This file is used to create an illusion of a different internet instead of the real one. It can be used to hide zones, rename zones and domains and in fact change the entire structure of the internet. Creating the needed illusion is quite easy. First, save the list of the AppleTalk zone names into a text file by using the Export Zone Names... command. Afterward, open it with any word processor. You will see a list of the names, each one in a separate line and a tab after the end of each of them. Delete the names you don't want to change, and insert the new names (which must follow the zone name format) of those you wish to change after the tab. If you just leave a zone name as it is (without adding the new name after each tab) it will be hidden. After you finished preparing the file, instruct Chooser+ to use with the file with the Use Zone Name Alias File... command from the Configure menu. Chooser+ Window • Driver List (left list) - where the drivers are displayed. Drivers are small programs which give you an access to network resources or other services. There are three types: network (like AppleShare), serial ports (i.e., ImageWriter) and general (such as ImageSaver). They reside in the system folder. • Main List (right list) - where the internet structure is displayed, the serial ports or whatever the selected driver wishes for. It changes according to the selected driver. Double click on a zone (whose icon is a line with circles hanging from it) or a domain (four rectangles connected to each other) to see what's inside. Click on a device or a serial port to select it. • Popup Menu (above Main List) - displays the currently viewed domain name. Let the user to go to higher domains. • Controls (below Main List) - belong to the selected driver. • Small Sign (above driver list) - shareware notice. Main Menu • About Chooser+... - Show the About dialog. • Add To VZone - Add a device to VZone. VZone is a virtual zone which can hold your most frequently devices for a quick access • Remove From VZone - Remove a device from VZone. • Refresh Main List - Refresh the current content of the Main List. If it shows a zone, Chooser+ will re-scan for devices in that zone. If it shows a domain, it will re-scan for the currently available AppleTalk zones. • Refresh Driver List - Re-scan the system folder for driver files. • Export Zone Names... - Writes a text file with all the AppleTalk zone names. Configure Sub Menu • Set User Name... - Sets the user name, • Set Default Zone... - Select the currently selected zone/domain as the one to view on start-up. • Set Default Driver... - Select the currently selected driver as the one to open on start-up. • Zone Name Configuration... - Brings the zone name configuration dialog. • General Configuration... - Let the user configure some general options. • Use Zone Name Alias File... - Toggles the use of an Alias File, which is used to alter the internet structure to suit the need of each user. • Disconnect AppleTalk or Connect AppleTalk - Toggles the state of AppleTalk. • Lock With Password... - Toggles the password protection. If it's on, a password will be required before executing any command from the Configure menu. Help Sub Menu Shows the help topics. Picking one brings a help dialog explaining that topic. But you already know that, don't you? Keyboard Shortcuts • Enter or CR instead of double-clicking a zone or a domain. • Up-arrow and down-arrow will move the selection in the Main List up and down. • Escape will take you a level upward in the Main List, just like using the popup menu. • TAB will move directly into VZone. • Any other character will move you to the first line whose first character is equal to or greater than the one you typed (this option can be used only when viewing domain and zones, but not devices). Send me Mail If you are wish to pass a bug report or any other comment, my e-mail address is below. If you don't get a reply after 3 days, please re-send. There are a lot of mail problems here. Please don't forget to send your shareware fee. It will help me develop the future versions of Chooser+. Thank you. Eran Reshef. BITNET: RESHEF1@BGUVM.BITNET Mail: P.O.B. 9115, Beer-Sheva 84190, Israel.